Patricia A. Rowe
Memorial Light
Patricia A. Rowe
Memorial Light
- First Woman to hold Elective Office in Lake
Havasu USCG Auxiliary
- Commanded First All-woman Patrol on
Colorado River
- Flotilla 92 Vice Commander - 1974
( 1st half )
- Flotilla Commander - 1974
( 2nd half )

Wind Point Light - Racine, Wisconsin
Wind Point Lighthouse
Lake Michigan
- 4 Miles North of Racine, Wisconsin
- Tallest and Oldest Active Lighthouse on the
- Rated at #27 of the 50 Most Beautiful U.S.
Wind Point Lighthouse
- Built by the U.S. Lighthouse Service in
- Designed by Orlando Metcalfe Poe who was
instrumental to General Sherman's victories in Atlanta and Savannah
in the Civil War
Wind Point Light Construction
- Conical brick structure over 108' tall and
20' diameter at the base where the walls are over 7' thick
- There are over 144 steps leading to the
lantern room
Wind Point Lantern Room

Wind Point Lantern
- Originally a kerosene lamp focused through
a 3rd order Fresnel lens
- The rotation was by a weighted chain reset
nightly by the keeper
- Now electrified and uses a DCB-24 Aero
beacon that is visible 19 miles
Wind Point Lighthouse (replica)
Colorado River
- Located at Site Six on Lake Havasu
- Will guide mariners at night to a safe
haven with its flashing amber light
- Construction & maintenance by the Lake
Havasu Lighthouse Club
Wind Point Replica on Lake Havasu
Wind Point Memorial Light
- Memorial plaque affixed to structure
- Dedication Ceremony
- Publication of Memorial / Historical

1) Daughter: Vicki Rowe; 2) Daughter-in-law: Diana Rowe; 3)Dean Rowe 4)
Granddaughter: Christi Gay; 5) Lighthouse Club President: Bob Keller; 6) Son: Bill Rowe;
7) Sister-in-law: Lillian Rowe; 8) Brother: Bill Rowe; 9) Pat's sister: Lou
Hueller; 10) Great-granddaughter: Mila Peterson;
11) Granddaughter: Jessica Peterson
Dedication Ceremony October 17, 2010
Patricia A. Rowe
Memorial Light

Patricia Ann Rowe
1936 - 1977
Former resident of Racine, Wisconsin & Lake Havasu City,