The Mighty Mississippi
On June 15, 2008 (almost 40 years to the day) the Rowe
family set forth once again on the Mighty Mississippi. In 1968; Pat, Dean,
Bill, and Vicki headed down the Mississippi from Louisiana, MO and then up the
Illinois Waterway to Chicago and then out onto Lake Michigan to Racine, WI in an
18' Starcraft cuddy cabin cruiser. It was a great adventure (albeit a bit
crowded ).

This time we decided to rent a houseboat from S&S
Houseboats in Lansing, IA . My brother Bill and his wife Lil joined us for
this adventure. The river was closed to all traffic below our lock and
pool, so we had the river pretty much to ourselves.
The word was passed to load up - some of us found
different ways to get loaded !

Captain Morgan ? Aye ! - ARRRRGH !
We spent the night prior to boarding our vessel with my
niece Debbie and her husband Mike. Other members of the Wisconsin arm of
the family joined in for a farewell to our intrepid riverboat people.

The Rowe's Garden

"Our" Boat and Bill at S&S Docks

Nun Buoy Downbound

Bluffing: Riverboat Style

Flood Stage on the River

Passing on the two whistle

Keeping Clear of Traffic on the River

Vicki at the Helm

Di Manning the Wheel

Lil's Turn Steering

Brother Bill in Command

Son Bill Heading Upbound on the Wisconsin Side

Dean's Watch

Keep Sharp Lookout for Aids to Navigation

Railroads on Both River Banks

Three State Lines Meet Here

Passing the Julia Belle Swain on the One Whistle

Descending Bank ?... I'd Say So !


Secured Before Sunset Each Day

Small Towns Along the Banks

The Sun Went Over the Yardarm !

M/V Lexington

Nature Walk !

A Most Relaxing Cruise

Avast Ye Lubbers !

Dean's Stateroom

Forward Watch Galley Crew

Happy Days on the Mighty Miss !

Evening Campfires on the Beach

Forward Watch Helmsman

Moored in La Crosse, WI

La Crosse Exploration Party

La Crosse Municipal Riverside Park

Julia Belle Swain Arriving with Calliope Playing

Forecastle Card Room

Fond Memories of Our Mississippi River Houseboat !